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Scribe Post Hall of Fame

(archive of previous years)


Let these scribe posts stand as examples for what future scribes should aspire to achieve.


“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.”

Abraham Lincoln

(16th US President (1861-65), who brought about the emancipation of the slaves. 1809-1865)


Consecutive Hall Of Fame Scribe Post Record Holder


none yet



StudentGradeSubjectLink to PostPost DateInducted ByReason for Induction
Jefferson12MathSCRIBE # 1 !?Sept. 11, 2006Darren KuropatwaGreat depth of detail. Meaningful use of colour and graphics help to illustrate text.
JessicaI_19812Math3rd Scribe PostSept. 12, 2006Darren KuropatwaExcellent use of graphics and colour. Includes lots of detail.
Linger12MathSCRIBE POST: DAY 4Sept. 13, 2006Darren KuropatwaExcellent detail, use of colour and graphics. Easy to understand and helpful for other students. (More testimonials in the comments.)
Jeff R.10MathMultiplying and Dividing PolynomialsSept. 14, 2006Darren KuropatwaExcellent and meaningful use of colour, mathematically correct, well laid out and organized.
Lisa12MathScribe Post 5Sept. 15, 2006Darren KuropatwaAwesome detail, include many illustrative examples, student added additional examples of their own accord. Good use of graphics and colour.
Manny12MathScribe Post: Day 6Sept. 15, 2006Darren KuropatwaVery detailed, step-by-step explanations make it easy to understand even if you got confused part way through the in-class explanation. Excellent technical aspects including frames and colour.
Ashley12Math6th Scribe PostSept. 16, 2006Darren KuropatwaMeaningful use of colour. Well laid out on page. Annotated graphics help to explain concepts illustrated.
Cherrie11MathIntroducing: The Perfect Square TrinomialSept. 17, 2006Darren KuropatwaWell orgainized text and graphics. Graphics help to illustrate concepts explained in text. Meaningful use of colour.
Ashlynn12MathScribe post: Day 7Sept. 18, 2006Darren KuropatwaMeaningful use of color, easy to understand, good detail and continuing the learning in the comments.
Katrin12MathScribe Post: Day 13Sept. 26, 2006Voted in by classmates.Great use of colour, clear and easy to understand explanations. Post had a lot of details and it's easy to see that a lot of effort went into it.
Cherrie11MathThe Cartisan Plane?! (and other things!)Sept. 27, 2006Darren KuropatwaExcellent use of graphics and colour. Includes lots of detail. Graphics help to illustrate concepts explained in text. Colour used in a meaningful way.
M@rk11MathIntroduction to the sine waveSept. 28, 2006Darren KuropatwaExcellent use of graphics and colour. Includes lots of detail. Graphics help to illustrate concepts explained in text. Colour used in a meaningful way.
Jann12MathScribe Post: Day 15Sept. 28, 2006Darren KuropatwaExcellent use of graphics and colour. Includes lots of detail and is well organized. The best part is he drew the Sine Dance!.
Jessica12MathTransformationsSept. 29, 2006Chris HarbeckExcellent use of graphics and colour. Includes lots of detail. Graphics help to illustrate concepts explained in text. Volunteered to Scribe a large concept.
Meagan10MathMidpoint of a SegmentOct.2, 2006Erin ArmstrongExcellent job annotating class notes. Use of diagrams and colour adds to the readers comprehension.
jhoann12MathSaskatchewan SunriseOct.7, 2006voted in by classmates and other teachersReminders to classmates and audience giving further instruction. Showed common mistakes and how to avoid them. Thorougly explained and easy to understand. "Bad" color don't do this -- "good" color, do it this way. A great teaching technique!
Steve12MathScribe Post, IdentitiesOct.17, 2006voted in by classmates and other teachersGraphs and notes are very helpful. Writing made reader feel as though they were right there speaking with authour. Intermission and graphical illustration of "more than one way" an excellent addition. This type of advise is what separates regular scribe posts from hall of fame ones.
Daureen10MathScribe Post, Number SetsOct.25, 2006voted in by Erin ArmstrongThis is one of the most thorough scribe postings to date. It contains quality graphics, terrific explanations, effective layout and even includes 3 exceptional links for students that require additional information.
Jhoann12MathExponentials & Logarithms --a trick for students; a treat for teachersOct. 31, 2006voted in by classmates and other teachersAmazing detail and effort. Colour Illustrations, clear explanations and detail. Obvious that student invests a lot of hard work and time.
Michelle8MathIntroduction to Perfect Squares and Square RootsNov. 01, 2006Chris HarbeckAmazing detail and effort. Incredible amount of editing done after the first post.
JulieRose8MathScribe Post, Perfect Squares and Square RootsNov. 2, 2006voted in by Mr. HarbeckFirst scribe post. Excellent use of images to explain the concept. Great detail and use of colour.
Lisa12Mathlets get to it shall we…Nov. 2, 2006voted in by classmates and other teachersIncluded the critical discussions on effort and del.icio.us prompts; readers could feel the emotions in the class through the writing; also had lots of good information about logarithms that at least one classmate tagged it to their delicious account.
Charmaine8MathEquivalents Day 1Nov. 16, 2006Chris HarbeckGreat use of animated gif,images and links. Edited her post to make it even better.
Michael8MathEquivalents Day 1Nov. 16, 2006Chris HarbeckGreat detail. Added links and images. Edited his post 3 times and counting... to make it even better.
Kim8MathEquivalents Day 1Nov. 21, 2006Chris HarbeckGreat detail. Added links and images. Edited her post many times and counting... to make it even better. First Sargent Park Student to use Bubbleshare.
Janna8MathEquivalents Day 1Nov. 23, 2006Chris HarbeckGreat detail. Added links and images. Detail,detail, links pictures and everything.
Marielle8MathEquivalents Day 1Nov. 27, 2006Chris HarbeckGreat detail. Added links and images. Detail,detail, links pictures and everything.
Maxine8MathEquivalents Day 1Nov. 27, 2006Chris HarbeckGreat detail. Added links and images. Detail,detail, links pictures and everything.
Lisa12MathCan you say..... Patterns are IMPORTANT??Nov. 27, 2006voted in by classmates and other teachersTremendous detail, great use of images and lots of effort. Many comments that personalized this scribe post and kept the readers focused.
Katrin12MathScribe Post - Day 52 (Local Linearization, Related Rates)Nov. 29, 2006voted in by classmates and teachersThe illustrations are not only striking, they are very clear. The frames really help to set them off. Good use of pictures and colour coding.
Crysta11MathUntitled (Circle Geometry)Nov. 30, 2006voted in by classmates and teachersMade readers visualize step by step process of the investigation, use of bubbleshare is a great way to show multiple images in an animation.
Boeun8MathPercentagesDec. 4, 2006Chris HarbeckWent through many edits to make a good scribe post great. Effort above and beyond the call of duty
Thyra-May8MathPercentagesDec. 8, 2006Chris HarbeckMade readers visualize step by step process of percentages using thumbstacks. Tremendous detail in her post.
Lindsay12MathScribe Post (Limits and Optimization Problems)Dec. 11, 2006voted in by classmatesVery clear, easy to understand and post-its with the drawings very eye catching. Made readers want to read the scribe post even more.
Allen12MathScribe Post (Introduction to Conic Sections)Jan. 13, 2007voted in by classmates and other teachersUnique for a scribe post; humor and math. "cool," "awesome," "spectacular," "stroke of genius," "unique," "original."
Vincent12MathSecant, cosecant, cotangent, arc functions...Feb. 8, 2007Darren KuropatwaExtremely thorough details and beautiful visuals.

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